Submit an Article to Equilibrium

Here at Equilibriumthe official publication of AHA, Inc., we know that our publishing voice is strongest when we present perspectives from all the diverse members of the therapy community. While we understand that submitting an article can seem daunting, our editorial team is here to support you throughout the process. We want you and your ideas to have an impact. 

If you have a topic you’d like to write about, send an email to Managing Editor Nicole Klemas at [email protected]. You don’t need to write an entire article to start the conversation. It's likely we'll ask you to send in a brief outline first so we can provide you with feedback. When it’s time to start writing, we’ll provide guidelines and simple templates you can use. Your article will be reviewed by numerous members of our editorial team, who will make suggestions and offer support throughout the process. We offer flexible deadlines because as therapists, instructors, and most of all as horse people, we know that life happens. 

Accepted feature submissions will count for 5 hours and TherapyShare for 2 hours (max of 10 for renewal period) towards HPCS and ACHB certified therapist renewals.

Read more about the article submission process here 

Article Submission Sample/Templates

Featured Article Samples

Featured Article Template

Herd The Latest Sample

Herd The Latest Template

Therapyshare Samples

Therapyshare Article Template

Therapyshare Case Study Template

Research Critique Samples

Research Critique Template

Submit an article to: [email protected]